An undeniably washed-up idea in the head, is eventually and longingly stationed in all peripheries of the gray matter. It remains increasingly mind-boggling and hyper unsettled.
The actions then derived from such an 'itchy-scratchy' state of mind perhaps result in what is now called GRAFFITI.
The actions then derived from such an 'itchy-scratchy' state of mind perhaps result in what is now called GRAFFITI.

Those obscure WRITINGS ON THE WALL, abstract sketches and art forms, slogans shouting undying pledges of bodies that very newly crossed the thresholds of puberty, putting RAGING HORMONES to maximum drive.

A whitewashed brick wall of a fairly good stretch is an overwhelming temptation for these unacknowledged graffiti artists, to put their scribbling urges to work. It is general knowledge, SOCIETY at large, HERE and elsewhere do not approve of happy-twitchy fingers denting or painting their uber-clean high walls or fences which conspicuously concludes all such acts under one single header - VANDALISM!
Societies, everywhere have conclusively settled for calling them, vindictive behavior, but, some PICASSOs have been born out of such class-acts. Here in BHUTAN, if you can tell talent apart from mindless scratching, there is, talent encrypted in between the deluge of all the other handy works.