Thursday, December 29, 2011


An undeniably washed-up idea in the head, is eventually and longingly stationed in all peripheries of the gray matter. It remains increasingly mind-boggling and hyper unsettled.

The actions then derived from such an 'itchy-scratchy' state of mind perhaps result in what is now called GRAFFITI.

Those obscure WRITINGS ON THE WALL, abstract sketches and art forms, slogans shouting undying pledges of  bodies that very newly crossed the thresholds of puberty, putting RAGING HORMONES to maximum drive.

A whitewashed brick wall of a fairly good stretch is an overwhelming temptation for these unacknowledged graffiti artists, to put their scribbling urges to work. It is general knowledge, SOCIETY at large, HERE and elsewhere do not approve of happy-twitchy fingers denting or painting their uber-clean high walls or fences which conspicuously concludes all such acts under one single header - VANDALISM!

Societies, everywhere have conclusively settled for calling them, vindictive behavior, but, some PICASSOs have been born out of such class-acts. Here in BHUTAN, if you can tell talent apart from mindless scratching, there is, talent encrypted in between the deluge of all the other handy works.

>>Not exactly "MODERN ART"
The country doesn't have rogue talent scouts  who go sniffing for undiscovered maestros on BLANK walls. And currently there are no mindless reality shows around- to showcase every eager mind annoyingly willful to display household 'goods' and charitable 'wares.'

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


Now a freely dissipating ethereal..
To go places at the speed of thought.. Amazing! 
Everywhere you like, Every one you love..
A mere thought away
Sorry.. You are the thought

So many loved you.. so much..
So many who loved you.. didn't love you..
Now high walls nor tiring distance stand blockade..
A deluge.. of revelations.. minds no longer a mystery
Dying was far less painful..

We know where autumn leaves go..
We know where broken hearts go..
All to.. putrify
One for nature.. one for debauchery
Where do we go..

Look but don't touch..
Listen but don’t talk..
Feel but don't express..
Worse.. feel but can't be felt..

When the label expires Imagine a million different ways in which we will be.. deeply disappointed.  And all of them happen on a given day.

Living right might be a good idea..

Monday, December 12, 2011


"If .. you could 'missed call' car keys."

The thought must have crossed one of us, in all of us.. one time or the other.. during.. some nerve-wracking-moment, when you couldn't find the dang car keys and it's already half past 10 for wherever you're supposed to be.

Given to FREQUENT.. momentary lapse of mind.,- I just can't stop wishing there was a way to instantly locate misplaced items with a missed call or a blank text message returned to myself with coordinates of the misplaced item. Of course, simple presence of mind works but then the whole point of this blog is about the 'ABSENCE.'

Before you land the plane..take comfort in this:

People are distracted because they are laser-focused on something else. something they deem of high import at that moment under varying circumstances, from person to person. Also,.. take comfort that a global association for distracted people also happens to be in existence. The origins of the association was in Sweden.

SO then.. it can be safely stated: You're not the only member in the club, and You do seem to have cousins and brethren, bros and sis across the globe.

Getting back on track.. 
Some of the things I wish could be called upon:

Room keys
Car keys
Locker keys
That 'special' underwear

Half socks when all I see is long socks

Tuesday, December 06, 2011


Ever wonder.. about those giant tomatoes in your salad or curries, never spared a thought about why it was so big?
Hold that thought!

Second query, must have sunk your teeth into one of them over-sized juicy apples, and never questioned it's size or the flavor, right?

Wager big, Vegas-money here, nobody really gives a once over, visually or otherwise, before you dig-in to anything on the meal table.

Not a big deal at all. But maybe it should BE!

Here come some answers but they are not really refreshing or relieving.

These new-age MUTANT ninja vegetables are actually mutated vegetables and fruits forced to outgrow their actual size and therefore mandated to taste different (and not at all in a very fulfilling manner).

Now that it's up for debate, think point of origin for the delicacies, next stop how did they grow so different from it's absolutely "normal cousins." Not getting ravenous here, but it's generally agreed, they taste way better and they pump more nutrition.

Monday, December 05, 2011


When morning star cleaned house..
They hatched your doom in groups.. of fives.. and hundreds
Your cousins across borders and skylines

Your roaring Majesty.. in the cage..
Thy roar so deafening but only for entertainment..
Your majestic demeanor good enough for the amusement of  a five year-old

Stars brighten skies, frightening.. for it roams the roost best when daylight evades
Beautiful green vales.. lovely hill tops
All in a different light now.. in the darkness of fear

Claws that will rip soul away.. with tenders
A majestic encounter of the first kind.. is the last.. for easily submitting mice-in-men to it's grandeur
Hail unsurpassable majesty...shame the mouse in all men

They roar.. not for your freedom
For they crawl under midnight's blanket.. not for prey
Still they roar in the distant

Friday, December 02, 2011


SO what did you think? They weren't really monsters, huh?
Ever since news did the rounds on the FIVE, coming out, people have talked about them. Easily the Thimphu hot topic was them. Most trending on Twitter, and other networking sites, ice-breaker at gatherings (social and otherwise).

Contents of conversation - all powered by hearsay, some with very accurate Intel, but some are,.. shockingly unbelievable!

Wine and women bring out some of the most deepest revelations from a drinking soul. And true it was in a bar (first-hand account), where a group of 'decent' working professionals were letting-loose the grind and toil of the week days. OR ahemmm.. they say its frustrations with a big F.

Inputs from many hinted that the said FIVE would probably look like actual projections from the Egyptian plague, some said they must be quite the withered husks by now.

What they probably meant was, they will look like heinous freaks of nature, zombified living-dead.

Sad, but true, it's just about seven or eight fairly knowledgeable country men and women talking out their ignorance here. Perhaps there are more such like-mindedness in town, in the country. SOS.. but the end is nigh..

A father and a mother were infected but their children tested negative to the bug because of early treatment. It's new knowledge for many and, more than a ray of hope for all of us gut-spewing maggots (reference is conditional:-).

For those who love the idiot box, so much, hopefully you have gathered some life saving wisdom from what you saw with your own eyes, in real time. Never mind what Sabita did to Kabita.. it's good to check on reality sometimes. Stamp your feet hard.. pinch yourself. WAKE UP!!

Let's take over from Guru Rinpoche... take our matters into our own hands.

Let's not use the moment as hard evidence to stigmatize, dramatize the lives of those who opened-up, to good intentions, and those who might follow suit. Let's not whisper behind their backs, Let's not stab them in their backs.

I didn't really get it, back then, when I was ten..ish when I saw those pamphlets with the UNDP & Health ministry logos. Message on all of them - EDUCATION IS THE ONLY WEAPON AGAINST..

Well, we all do now. More-than-do!

Personally speaking: Intuition is good, knowledge is better. Let's Go for knowledge..

to the FIVE - SALUTE!!!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


When one is witness to an event, an act that flicks the switch of reality - WITHIN. When you are the viewer, and the event and the act is an experiment or spectacle for you to watch, you make a spontaneous array of decisions and promises in your conscious or subconscious mind in that instant.

These are very retro moments and MANY (those wise-enough) will take lessons and gather wisdom (of course the unfortunate soul who committed the blunder is the man Friday owing to whom you gained that bit of insight).

When we hear about people, who closed their doors to LIFE in a box of HIV, first thing that strikes a generally conscious, moderately informed human mind is; perhaps the said person was a bad dude..or a wayward chick who went sniffing for it and had it coming. Well deserved! No votes of sympathy there..

That's one way to go! And then there are some of us who think, maybe it wasn't his or her fault and perhaps it was an unforeseen stone in their lives, destined to be stepped-on. Mazel tov! Lot of  RESEARCHED COMPASSION & INTELLIGENT UNDERSTANDING HERE.

Let's talk TODAY. A good lot or maybe a ginormous chunk of people will fall into the second type of categorization. Thanks to the worldwideweb across the world, minimally discounted Internet charges and the forever-trying Health entities here in Bhutan.

On December First (WORLD AIDS DAY), here in Bhutan, four people living with HIV will go public and disclose their identities. Personally speaking I think it will be more like 'walking the plank' for them.

Will the general (hopefully generous) populace start shooting daggers at them and thereafter plan a massively sadistic campaign to avoid every small tributaries associated to them (friends, families, cousins, dearly close neighbors..)? implications..IMPLICATIONS.

If hypothetically, say what was described actually came to pass, then isn't that a big kick on our BIG-GNHing-BUTT. That was just a small bubble momentarily implanted to your brains. I'm sure It will not happen..

Personally speaking: Must we really prove what popular rumors and jokes outside have already succeeded-at. -
"Bhutan is a land of sevenhundredthousand yak herders - Barbarians!"

Let's not be the army personnel's friends who sold him public in the immediacy of discovery that he was living with the cursed bug. Or let's not be parents who get "bugged" their little ones. Let's not be the Parents ourselves. check out story at BBS site.

The darkness, and then the new sunrise must be one big torture package for those who sense every ticking-seconds with microscopic precision. Like you're sent to the gallows everyday and then again the next day.

It's someone else's shoes so, we cannot 'feel' it. It's best that society show a human feel to those unfortunate out of broken fate, or miscalculated itineraries.

The expression, "I'm only human," was generated so thoughtfully, 'cause it pulls many out of the quicksand of errors, lapses and intentional slip-ups.

Best advice not to throw to the wind would be; to employ the luxury of sense and reason when you have it and wield the knowledge of cause and effect, while all our prostates are, ALL OURS to have.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Few years back, I was part of a near death experience - "my own"..  and few years later I was part of a near death experience.. again - my own (again!)..

I'm not scared of death,.. I just don't wanna be there when it  happens - anonymous

That really doesn't work when you're face-down with the very thing (it) and you are actually near-verge to piercing the veil. The other side!!

IN my state of utmost sobriety, I do now recall the stench of decomposing Lager through my flared nostrils and everywhere inside the cursed ALTO car which was actually supposed to be a ticket to unlimited fun till break of dawn. (A most successful con from the then Ed - Gops Acharya)

Khandu, my pilot of doom, and crazy me riding shotgun to our near demise.

The ride was smooth all throughout the familiar Thimphu highway until we tread grounds through to Bjemina. With minimal cruise control absent to our deep fried Medula oblongatas, our systems were pumping high and glorious on all things brewed everywhere and nowhere..  you name it.

A very elusive thud puts the staggering motor to a cease-fire, and there is a dark, dreary silence inside the ale-infested vehicle.

I lift my now, 20 ton-head with bravado risking only the consequence of tilting bile upon beer therefore causing a most vile explosion from my mouth. Well that's what I thought, 'cause what lay beneath us was our watery death (and that's a literal).

Imagining the almost 300 feet drop-zone, which would have taken us 'swimming with the fishes' (no joke there) maybe way, way until Wangdiphodrang bridge, I still get the shivers... heinous heebie-jeebies..

A single line of barbed wire fencing pulled us back from our well deserved curtain call. Man! what a way to go and what a stupid DEATH! (it would HAVE been), if not for the actually mediocre-job-of-a-fencing, gracious acknowledgement of course also goes to the truncated pine fences.

Roll credits and Good night!

Don't wanna think about it for ever, and ever, and ever, after this piece is lost to me..

Ever wonder why we never learn from our dearly-averted life threats?
...   .... .....

Never mind the arrow, shot in the dark. I'm just hoping it hits- some bull's eye.

So..ummm..  no answers from my side.

Hey, I'd tell you of my other near-death experiences but Its really getting old.. and I never die in those narratives.. SO spare you the torture.. hhahaaahha..

BUT them's all true stories huh!

Friday, November 11, 2011


Its the damndest year ever man! Or maybe its just my grape fruit that's just overly charged for the fantastical. Or it could be my obsession with the Invisibles, or its just the number that grabs my attention.

"This day" will never happen again...after "This year", which, will never happen again. With few events that can indefinitely be checked off from its catalog, not such a bad thing.

The in-country fires, flash floods all across the countrysides, freak accidents on highways (of buses senselessly overloaded and Mahindra Boleros squeezed very concentration camp-like. And a very incredible denouement - EARTHQUAKE, which left behind- unprecedented damages and mental trauma. Those in the international were very international (of course i don't mean that in a good way).

Then again, the year did have its good moments. Events and moments that could make entry into "My finest Hour". Skipping the about-to-be narrated monologue on the finest hour;there were few things that made the year an auspicious occasion;

OUR KING finally tied the knot, and the big event was really big. It did jerk a chain inside me too.. I'm not the sentimental type, but heck,.. must have been the air around me. Everyone chanting it so religiously. I didn't sign any books which conveyed colorful greetings and i didn't get into all that SMS-wishing business. (Between you and me,.. Penny-pinching-gimmicks!).

I did say a silent prayer and make a sincere wish for the BRILLIANT COUPLE and the COUNTRY.

The BUDDHA's bones (that's what they are right?) came to Bhutan all the way from India. I didn't even know there was a relic inside, I thought people were supposed to just prostrate at the the three diamond shaped glass dolls, wrapped in silk.

Well, you can't blame me, or any of the members of the population who didn't really see it for what it was. For one,.. we were all (yee-haa!)-ed like cattle driven to their shelter.

Among other things, this year, I made friends, good friends...I consider it an impossible feat to achieve, that is - meeting good friends after school and college. After that long hiatus in sincerity, honesty and Innocence all minds grow calculative, everybody knows their way and what is easily accomplished possessive of genuine minds is nothing short of supernatural to replicate in a very contradictory atmosphere.
They don't tag it "the Midas touch," for kicks, you know?

This year, I declare myself as someone who has all the makings of a cold-blooded serial killer because I have successfully operated a few.

Now there's a shocker... even for myself (I'm kidding!) I will honestly make a confession here though. People who proclaim to and pretend to have your best interests are those, who actually want your best "interests."

Sala Truck Driver,..God Damned Monkey... I'm out of bile reenacting the bad and ugly of it.

All said... not thoroughly done though (cold December still hollering) it's over! THE YEAR OF 1.

wonder where i was? on 1.1.11 .. 1.11.11

.. on .. 11.1.11 & 11.11.11

This blog was posted on 111111

Thursday, November 10, 2011


So for the record, and maybe, for the eternally reminded time the 
trees are swaying in the distant mountains to propagate how pre-destined our foregone days were. And add glorious sarcasm to our injuries - We still drive on the same chartered route, riding shotgun with F-A-T-E.

I strongly believe, the same high-powered inferno still burns somewhere, inside a corner of us, and for that, inside all of me. Those days the wind would have felt like it was blowing, well,.. only 'cause its the wind but it will be howling only when you want it to. That's because we were living the days of immortality. The seasons' joys or its torments were just the passing of a dull year or an excessively eventful one.

 And when we've actually reached a stone where we would like to carve an indelibly permanent mark, we're too overwhelmed by every piss-ant agent of destiny which pop up in the path (tsk.. tsk..). How did the rider lose the horse?

Its a good question, It is also the one that I will not answer (maybe for the reason that i don't have one).

Enough grace is showered on us if we do observe with the lens of gratitude but after even the first small splinter that sprung on the path, we are burning a nuclear reactor. But really! So what if we did!

We've done nothing to deserve cold steel or a pointy heel...

Things always change to our disliking and they haven't been any different with moi.

We now understand, its a gracious submission to something only greater than ourselves in ways that can only be imagined; well its also the way of the world and I am in it. But it was a different story back then when we bared chest to howling winters or pouring summers.

We were YOUNG & (we felt) IMMORTAL! (have to admit though those were quite the stupid times too:-)

We are obstinate that we get to walk our own way, but now we stagger on everybody else's beaten path. Still I am very far from ashamed. I am worn-out though and without argument - done! countering the wall.

Now, I live and transact golden air and the life I live is brilliant. What changed is... I have my secret ingredient (singularly SHE) in MY LIFE.

By 'we,' I mean 'me,' as in me, myself and I.

Friday, November 04, 2011



Funny thing though, the most dire of circumstances will flash its name red and bold.. and sometimes I'm just sitting crossed-legged in a constricted space and a miscalculated movement grinds the boys down under to friction and i'm yelping with deathly pain (out loud to decibels when no one's around.and silently when at a conference or among people).

My point is, the most silliest of situations could end up taking us so close to death. And since we are all going to hell, that's where I must be headed.

I like being angry.. I don't want to give up my rage. I would always want to retain the ability to hate.. it keeps me wary (esp. of a certain spineless-Machiavellian-monkey and a truck-driver-turned-company manager). I have unending potential to love, to understand it, to give and to treasure it. BUT Buddha said.. that is also off the reservations if one desires the holy lights and sounds and a confirmed heavenly after-life. Well I say !!!That's BIG BULL!!!

Unless the Big Dude up there gives me a glimpse of the b-side, what benefits I'll be reaping for my a-plus behavior or what hellish-spanking I'm about to endure for being a man, I will always be myself. I will always look at life with an eye for sense appeal.

Well I'll go out on a leg here and say the rest of the population resonates that with a HELL YEAH!


Now make no arguments on that, because you know that's the absolute truth.

Personally speaking, the few minutes that we shut our eyes, trying to find god will not be enough for the long haul. And you can damned-well be sure, it wont be a clean slate that we'll be holding while queuing up at the pearly gates.Same goes for me of course, and by all means!!

So,... Save a few lives.. if you can and just LIVE LIFE, let others live.  party on, party hard... go down kicking!!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

as we say old names

the light at the end of the tunnel
the flicker of hope for co-existing sufferers
misery loving companies

treachery sugar coated with extra icing
pain multiplied and suffering without anesthesia
life buffered with open wounds

its called trial by fire
known to me otherwise
sojourn through the media


Happiness i have noticed is strictly reserved for the "I", "Me," and "Myself." Anywhere outside these regions the commodity is tagged with multiple labels. Acquired through corrupt practice, built on the corpses of others  are two popular taglines.. employed most famously.

Generally, we are all  good people.. blessed with the ability to display innate goodness and it is only in our weak hours, we are for-bearers of malicious intent and behavior. Most often than not though, all such conducts are imbecilic and the lead clown is always YOU.

And in such moments of weakness, our momentary lapse of reasons are just too frequent.

Now i'm not being the prudent prick here but sometimes... sometimes you do feel like you could just grab someone by their jugular and force what little Dharmic.. and Karmic wisdom you have absorbed.

In the expanse of my own mindscape, I have witnessed occasions where was part of the club, but to participate in those doggone sessions, I have always quoted less and spoke least.

Why?-because! (popular PassandDorji expression:-)

Them's all of the rumor-mongering-nature, hinted very subtly at most times toward people in the immediate parameters of the  gossip zone or toward a personality bigger in person or achievements that is outside the circle of the backstabbers club. But i have never been accessory to any such event..(A-myself to that).

People desist from them because they are those who have #1- no need or wish to do so. There is also the reason that the man upstairs has defined purportedly that those born with bat and balls are engineered strictly so that they do not develop affinity of any kind to derive pleasure out of any such act. But.. it's new-agey now. MEN BITCH..

A world citizen who has witnessed a sufficient amount of authenticated living instances of the now completely McDonald and shopping-mall-devoured-world said this:  (ME)


The flag is ours to protect only in our homeland but outside its parameter is subject to number of conditions, diplomatic ties included

Inside Bhutan, national emblems, symbols and logos are all revered, some worshipped and to say it straight; protected under governing laws. But as much as Bhutanese would have wished-for, unfortunate incidents have come to pass and it passed like the country in general and its landlocked feebleness are both staggering.
Outside, consumerism conquers all, and it includes compromising national sentiments in exchange for fine-delivered goods. This seems to be an accepted parallel in many countries in the west and European regions.

While all products ensuing are proudly flaunted on one side, feelings are deeply hurt on the other. Few events are witness in the past where flags of respective nations were burnt and people marched in streets protesting such acts.

When the image of Lakshmi (an Indian goddess) was printed on swim suits and India witnessed massive strikes and burning of Australian flags.

The Bhutan flag ended up on Adidas (a multi-billion dollar sports apparel company) shoes, back in 2008 and recently this year the Bhutan flag was spread bold over boxers and thongs. Café, an online store was identified as the entity responsible.

It would come to light here, Bhutan has recently released the Royal wedding symbols which have now been franchised to different in-country companies for commercial purposes.

It also means more of eye-catching designs for people and businesses to find on the World Wide Web, and of course to use as they will.

skin of my teeth

as it whisked away..
i saw nothing but darkness.
and the world was black
in those split seconds
where did i go..
my body was perhaps giving-in to laws of biology
and only minutes later did i see her in tears of  blood
wailing at my feet with the most beautiful smile

the part that sucked was
i made a trip and i didn't catch any tour details
no scenery no pleasantries..

guess i was out of my body but there was no experience

for the life of betel nuts i wouln't want to go that trip again..
it is still bone chilling as a memory..

what if..


evilofthehour: PAIN FOR PLEASURE.. THERAPY AT YOUR EXPENSE: Happiness i have noticed is strictly reserved for the "I", "Me," and "Myself." Anywhere outside these regions the commodity is tagged with m...

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


I'm sitting at this Café facing the street, and i have all the time to kill while sipping one generous flush of caffeine after another. Actually, i was impatiently waiting for a very important call.. from a certain truck-driver-turned-company manager.

So I am sipping coffee and looking out the window. Well this is what they must have meant about people taking time to sniff the flowers. I am observing every men, women, boy and girl on the road. Dogs, and other he, she and her-shes included. They got my attention.

Sue me for concluding on this, but every dude on the street thinks he is 'the dude.' The gals are all dressed to make the walk and.. safely presumed! they think 'all eyes are on me.'

Pants, skirts, kiras and ghos...

They really seem to style the person's to ease into walking - without fidgety and unruly scratching, pulling and pushing.

The kira drapes our damsels to the nine but it also accentuates their otherwise unshapely contours.. Ahemm.. that maybe applies to only a few on the street who still have the glaringly visible - medieval countenance. Otherwise, the attire actually complements their gait, and actually gives every one of them a signature style.

Looking at a few punk-ass teens and a crowd of what appears to me as newly sworn-in working people or fresh blood seeking a life of service, i gather that, for this portion of the pie; The gho is an uneasy opulence of fabric for the one wearing it strictly on hallowed grounds and moonlit occasions. For the other group i'm looking at.. ...mostly seasoned and sun-burnt potatoes (literally for some of 'em) the same apparel is a second skin and and i'll bet it often makes it till the dance floors of the city.

From what i have seen, i will also reiterate a thought i always shared in conversation with friends. It  always seemed to me, that the gho demands a pot belly while well rounded and big butts are mandatory for the wearer. That is so required in order that the squarish and swash-buckle look is achieved.

Well.. theory proven and unanimously confirmed.

Voila! theory proven to confirmation. The 100 plus passersby makes it unanimous.

Tight pants turn heads and the skirts do a better job at it. Its an observation but it is also a well known fact.

Hats that look like a furry animal perched on heads catch attention... and it caught mine too. Women wearing high heels look nice ... but for some it looks like its too high for them to handle. I say, *If you can't sell it don't wing it.*