So for the record, and maybe, for the eternally reminded time the
trees are swaying in the distant mountains to propagate how pre-destined our foregone days were. And add glorious sarcasm to our injuries - We still drive on the same chartered route, riding shotgun with F-A-T-E.
I strongly believe, the same high-powered inferno still burns somewhere, inside a corner of us, and for that, inside all of me. Those days the wind would have felt like it was blowing, well,.. only 'cause its the wind but it will be howling only when you want it to. That's because we were living the days of immortality. The seasons' joys or its torments were just the passing of a dull year or an excessively eventful one.

And when we've actually reached a stone where we would like to carve an indelibly permanent mark, we're too overwhelmed by every piss-ant agent of destiny which pop up in the path (tsk.. tsk..). How did the rider lose the horse?
Its a good question, It is also the one that I will not answer (maybe for the reason that i don't have one).
Enough grace is showered on us if we do observe with the lens of gratitude but after even the first small splinter that sprung on the path, we are burning a nuclear reactor. But really! So what if we did!
We've done nothing to deserve cold steel or a pointy heel...
Things always change to our disliking and they haven't been any different with moi.
We now understand, its a gracious submission to something only greater than ourselves in ways that can only be imagined; well its also the way of the world and I am in it. But it was a different story back then when we bared chest to howling winters or pouring summers.
We were YOUNG & (we felt) IMMORTAL! (have to admit though those were quite the stupid times too:-)
We are obstinate that we get to walk our own way, but now we stagger on everybody else's beaten path. Still I am very far from ashamed. I am worn-out though and without argument - done! countering the wall.

Now, I live and transact golden air and the life I live is brilliant. What changed is... I have my secret ingredient (singularly SHE) in MY LIFE.
By 'we,' I mean 'me,' as in me, myself and I.
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