Sunday, October 06, 2013


Oh great new media of this great age
Thy power so graciously fallen
Down on one and all users

You have ordained us with all things great and cheap
Your power is intoxicating and addictive
There's not a soul who can ignore you

Thank you for draining hard work out of people
Thank you for duplicating creativity
Thank you for spreading all things poisonous everywhere

You were gracious enough to speed up emotions
You have now spread all different frauds in affinity
No relation is now built on sound footings of love that endured hot and cold

We have friends, so many
Yet we have no friends,
Maybe because they are all in a space of time

The creation of desire
in an all new model
is perhaps your biggest achievement

Your wants unlimited, thy hunger insatiable
everybody consumes, their bellies an abyssmal
consume, consume, consume

We march to a land of plenty,
The march never ends,
At the end there is no land of plenty

In the end,
There is everything, There is nothing
There is none, because you are just one

In honor of dishonor,
We offer up our medula oblongatas,
To your feet and thy disposition