Saturday, January 21, 2012


Perhaps we’ve, really declined in evolution, so to say, in terms of ‘trust issues,’ or ‘faith and forgiveness.’ Given the many moments in our lives when we misinterpret, well-intended acts of goodness or when others do the same, we may very well be doing the downhill jog.

And all that, because we are ingloriously capable of an incurable sarcasm that seems to be embedded in our very fiber, cynicism so omnipresent, we forever find within ourselves, a gratuitous drive to ‘read between lines,’ and doubt 'everything'. Now all that relocated and observed in another person total up to being very unpleasant and socially awkward, under varying circumstances. A very inconvenient matter of fact, in fact!

Sighting such a sample, in the persona of someone other than ourselves will bring out the previously almost, non-existent saints and all their high horses galloping into our being.

Notice-One simple thing about how we inadvertently require supplementary adjectives, comic wisecracks to communicate a heartfelt message - written or vocally.

Check! - When we are in-communication, disembodied from the person or people on the other end; brackets, hyphens, smileys and all other available emoticons online are employed. When we are up-close and personally interacting, we make use of other practically enacted literary devices.

Why does person-A add a smiley (:-) and a follow-up expression of laughter, when actually- we/he/she is volte-face and intensely devoid of emotions what-so-ever! Why does me/we stress our genuinely flowing emotional words during dialogues exchanged in a heart2heart or in a soul searching session?

Consequentially a didactically pragmatic avatar of 'you' is instantaneously born. IT PREACHES...

Well, whatever it preached, fact remains: it’s just a matter of shifting the position plaques on different days. As told by somebody and retold by me: maybe it’s your turn to be the pigeon today, but you will be the statue tomorrow.

The unquestionable truth here is: All of us have the same extrasensory perception that is extremely rocket-fueled by entertainment mediums, and technological changes around us. All to our detriment! So we fall for jackass scams, make asses out of ourselves.

In a manner very far fetched, but befitting such a situation, this could be a good thing... in view of maintaining excellent order of business or being the corporate skeptic and the razor sharp professional.

The only coup de grâce  here is the imminent doom of humankind and the decadence of the quality of souls which enter and exit the currently myopic world, which; Every single one of us, effortlessly ignore.

And we achieve this unimpressive feat, for all of us, are prosperous in our ocean of misery and short-lived impermanence.

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