Saturday, May 02, 2015

A road that will ensure insurance of reassurance

When in the grips of a situation that seems to show no light at the end of the tunnel or when breathing under a perpetually-tense atmosphere sucking low the air, every passing second, generally one and all pray for a savior, a someone that could usher them toward the light, some being that can deliver them in that instant from the place of fear and mental torment aplenty.

With very live incidences of kidnappings and harassments faced by travelers making journeys in the south, especially Sarpang and Gelephu, every other uneasy mind has said this prayer and made the same exact wish.

It is no surprise that His Majesty the King, looked up to as the guardian and protector of nation and people provided the much required intervention.

His Majesty’s visit in September this year brought much relief and eased the stressful situation in Sarpang and Gelephu. On the command of His Majesty, two additional security outposts have been established that helps keep extra vigilance in the border areas.

This has boosted morale and confidence of people bringing psychological relief to the people of Sarpang Dzongkhag and those making journeys to and fro.

A discussion item in parliament recently was on the need to expedite the internal highway between Lhamoizingkha and Sarpang dzongkhag (about 88 kilometers) was brought up for discussion in the ongoing National Assembly (NA) discussions.

This in all manners of consideration can and will be an added and a wholesome solution to the particular prevailing situation in the south (the borders).

It is also heartening to learn from the sessions that the Indian government has been providing their best assistance in this matter. Having the internal highway will allow everyone to journey safely in the areas or through the areas.

As of now one need only hopingly expect the budget intricacies in the project to come through as the road construction between Lhamoizingkha and Sarpang dzongkhag would be extensive.

If benefits are to be considered besides the safety criteria that the highway will fasten, there’s also the aspect of tourism, economy and business opportunity that will be enhanced by such a highway coming in.

For a nation that has not yielded to any negative external intrusions since time then until now, it is not about to start under any variety of opposing forces. Ensuring the existence of effectively-aiding attributes such as the internal highway is a solid start.

Published as Editorial for Business Bhutan on December 06, 2014

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