Saturday, May 02, 2015

Tougher the times…

Attending to the easier things first saves time, complements the speed at which work is done and leaves more room for second thoughts and deeper contemplations. It’s a good strategy; many would agree with to tackle basics of life.

Change scenarios to that of a country’s development in the many spheres it comprises. The same mantra would not really be the best to go with. Disappointing as it may all be, this is the apparently most visible in terms of behavioral trends of people.

Aspiring to scale the dizzying heights of success and glory that citizens elsewhere have achieved seems to be a tad difficult and more time –consuming goal to set. Therefore the easier trends in criminal activities such as robbery, vandalism, drugs, rape and murder are all the rage in the country, each dzongkhag trying to beat the other in terms of statistically being portrayed as a place with higher numbers (and not really for the best causes).

The recent murder in cold blood, of a young man at the Central Plaza vicinity in Lungtenphug, is a level up in the crime sphere. As per reports, the person was thrown off the building probably after being killed and dragged for some distance.

The law is on the case and will track the culprit or culprits at large.

It is not a pattern any society wishes to absorb into its mold as something worth flaunting to outsiders, and insiders alike. However, the hard truth globally is that these activities have remained a visible way of city life.

Back home, it can all be chalked up to what can be called as the side effects of development, urbanization and the price of bringing in the new and advanced. Few years back, the capital city was as safe as it needed to be.

Now tension mounts high every time darkness envelopes and the more feeble and fragile can never muster the guts to take a cool evening walk or make a milk run for necessities. Public infrastructures and private properties never faced the risk of being vandalized or stolen, but that feels like a time way back.

Womenfolk and children are advised not to leave the safety of their confines after certain hours in the day, vehicles and structures outside of residences are constantly at risk of damage or theft.

While the GNH country remains a supposed fine example to the rest of the world in terms of promoting all the right things and aspiring to stand squeaky clean, these happenstances are definitely in no way edging its Happy aspirations forward.

The concerned authorities are concerned, apparently, and have not left anything short to do the deed, but now it is high time that every single citizen in their small ways think of seriously chipping in toward mending the city. Yes, if the aforementioned are all in any way disturbing, then things are safely said – broken or… breaking.

Education starts at home and much can be taught to the budding minds that can be groomed to chart the correct routes. For those in lesser fortunate circumstances, there is still hope if they be willing as help is in place from the government’s side be it counseling, rehabilitation etc.
Schools have and still continue to tirelessly pick on the fine points of being social, remaining social to become better citizens.

If times are changing, it is not really an option for a small nation like ours, to side with whichever is the winning factor.

Development didn’t come easy for the nation, but its ills seem to have made themselves comfortably at home. It is the duty of every individual to set the smallest wrong right in their immediate surrounds, so that they don’t amplify into completely incurable ills.

Published as Editorial for Business Bhutan on January 24, 2015

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